Historial Villages of Portugal
Made of granite and schist, the Historic Villages retain stories of conquests and ancient traditions and dazzle by its landscapes, heritage and friendliness of the people who inhabit them. Standing at the top of mountains, they stand out from far away with its high towers of its Medieval Castles.
That is why they are strategically aligned along the border. Kings and Nobles knew they could sleep more peacefully. They were wrong sometimes. Moors and Christians, Castilians and Portuguese, they all tried to take them for themselves and that is why each one has a very old story or legend to tell. Nowadays they are peaceful and keep the most genuine part of Portugal in the stones of their street and houses: the authenticity of its people and the pride of a 900-year-old history. There are twelve in total.
Through D. Dinis and D. Manuel, important Kings, with great importance in the Historic Villages of Portugal, Pedro Álvares Cabral, who discovered the sea route to Brazil and was born and raised in one of the Historic Villages, and also the people who lived in these Villages, we take the viewer on an intense journey through the Villages, exploring the sight, hearing and heart. Through the construction of its own environment, magical, mysterious, but also intense and passionate, the goal was to create a narrative that is magnetic and captivating for those who see the film and to take the viewer in a disruptive manner to unique locations in the world and to an unrivaled history.
Aldeias Históricas de Portugal
Lobby Films and Advertising
Production Company
Lobby Films and Advertising
Creative Director
Telmo Martins
Photography Director
Pedro Azevedo
Sound Designer
Pedro Adamastor
Francisco Silva
Production Director
João Feitor
Lúcia Valdevino
Make Up
Diana Correia
Drone Operator
Manuel Costa
Marco Amaral
6 de April, 2021